Limelite LPB221 Heritage Grout

Low strength lime grout for historic building. Cement free grout for restoration. Low density grout for stabilisation of old structures. Slow setting lime grout for filling voids in masonry walls. Grout for filling voids in double skin walls. Stabilisation grout for listed buildings.
Product Description:
Limelite LPB221 Heritage Grout is a lime based, cement-free grout designed to be used as a void filler in listed monuments and historic buildings where minimal strength is required.
Low density grout for renovation
Low density in the final dry material helps to reduce weight and reduce the stresses placed on the structure. This makes it ideal for use on historic site that are vulnerable to damage.
High fluidity grout for gravity fed or injection systems
Designed for filling voids in open textured rubble filled walls using gravity fed or injection systems, the highly fluid grout mix helps to achieve maximum penetration into the substrate, filling any voids to provide stability and prevent water ingress.
Low strength grout for restoration
Slow strength gain and low ultimate strength, helps to accommodate movement and reduce the strain on the structure and surrounding materials.
High flexibility grout for old stone structures
Flexibility in the final grout material helps allow for slight movements in the structure without putting additional stress on surrounding materials.
High yield heritage grout for restoration
When mixed at the optimal WSR LPB221 has excellent fluidity and a high yield of approximately 3m3 of mixed grout per tonne.
Additional Information
When thick walls of double skin construction with rubble core filling have been subjected to the percolation of water over many years, weak mortar is washed out, creating voids or allowing the loose fill to accumulate at the base of the wall causing a cracking, bulging or displacement of stones.
Limelite LPB221 Heritage Grout can be used for general void filling where a minimal strength and the absence of cement is required. A detailed investigation of the structure is always recommended prior to grouting especially where large areas are involved.